The Long View of Legal Innovation
Absent from many articles and much discussion is the long view of legal innovation. If you have read the legal trade press or attended conferences this year, you could easily…
Legal Innovation – Revolution or Evolution?
Is legal innovation a revolution or evolution? Regular readers know I come out on the latter. I do a deeper dive here drawing on recent news. (Note at the end…
Why Alternative Legal Provider Market Share May be Limited
Many commentators argue that alternative legal provider market share is destined to grow. But I think it may be more limited than many suggest. Introduction and Background Numerous recent articles…
Legal Transformation or Disruption? A New Rule for Talking About It
We need a new rule to talk about legal transformation and disruption. Too many legal commentators and speakers claim that a new technology or business model will change all. I…
Exploding Legal Surveys and Conferences
I hope you find my title, exploding legal surveys and conferences, suitably ambiguous. A dual meaning is my intent. The first meaning of my title refers to the explosion in…
Surprise about Legal Innovation (An Interview by Colin Levy)
In March, Colin S. Levy published at his blog an interview with me that I call the Surprise about Legal Innovation. I intentionally waited a bit to publish here. Sometimes…
The Great Legal Reformation (Live Post #ArkCM)
This is a live post from the Ark Law Firm Change Management Summit. This session is the keynote by Mitchell E. Kowalski M.A. LL.M. ICD.D., Barrister and Solicitor, Gowling WLG, Visiting…
How Firms are Redefining DMS Ownership to Drive Adoption
My Fireman & Company business partner, Tom Baldwin, and I co-authored this article. The ILTA KM blog first published it on 20 April 2018 and I reproduce it hre. Introduction Many…
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