Rethinking How Clients Buy Legal Services – PERSUIT Platform for RFPs
I recently learned about a new platform, PERSUIT, designed to rethink how clients buy outside counsel and other legal services. Jim Delkousis, a former DLA Piper partner and Founder &…
Is the Pressure Building on Big Law?
I’ve complained that too many commentators predict Big Law disruption. With Big Law surviving the 2008-10 economic crisis largely intact and profits continuing to grow, it’s hard to see the…
Early Observations from the GC Thought Leader Experiment (Live)
This is a live post of a webinar hosted by Advance Law. In July, An Open Letter From 25 General Counsel published in Corporate Counsel announced a ” real-time exercise to test industry…
Intriguing New Legal Services Innovation Index
Last week, Prof. Dan Linna of Michigan State University College of Law and his students released and intriguing new Innovation Catalog and Law Firm Innovation Index, jointly titled the Legal Services…
Quoth the RAVN: How iManage’s RAVN Acquisition Will Affect the Legal Market
[My business partner Joshua Fireman of Fireman & Company co-authored this blog post. It was first published by the International Association of Legal Technology (ILTA) at the ILTA KM blog…
Legal Artificial Intelligence (Live #Lexpo17)
This is a live blog post of Legal Artificial Intelligence. The panelists: Katie Atkinson, Katie Atkinson is Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Department of Computer Science at the University…
The Future of Legal Services in the Global Age of More for Less (Live #Lexpo17)
This is a live blog post of The Future of Legal Services in the Global Age of More for Less. Professor David B. Wilkins (Harvard) is the presenter. I am posting live…
Building the Exponential Law Firm (Live #Lexpo17)
This is a live blog post of Building the Exponential Law Firm. Rohit Talwar, a futurist, is the presenter. I am posting live from Lexpo 2017, a legal innovation event in Amsterdam…
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