Is the Pressure Building on Big Law?
I’ve complained that too many commentators predict Big Law disruption. With Big Law surviving the 2008-10 economic crisis largely intact and profits continuing to grow, it’s hard to see the…
Early Observations from the GC Thought Leader Experiment (Live)
This is a live post of a webinar hosted by Advance Law. In July, An Open Letter From 25 General Counsel published in Corporate Counsel announced a ” real-time exercise to test industry…
Law Firm Ownership: An Evidence-Based Approach
Adam Smith, Esq. asks “Is the prohibition against non-lawyers having an ownership interest in a law firm still a good idea?” (See Question of the Month #4: Non-lawyer Ownership?, 1 Sep…
Intriguing New Legal Services Innovation Index
Last week, Prof. Dan Linna of Michigan State University College of Law and his students released and intriguing new Innovation Catalog and Law Firm Innovation Index, jointly titled the Legal Services…
Data Science + Law: An Interview with LexPredict
To understand more about the role of data science in law, I turned to LexPredict, a company specializing in legal data analytics. Three of its principals, Dan Katz, Mike Bommarito,…
AI in Law: From Theory to Practice
I am attending the session AI in Law: From Theory to Practice, live at ILTACon 2017. The International Legal Technology Association annual conference is the preeminent global legal tech conference. The…
Myths, Realities and Future of AI + Automation in the Law (Live #ILTACON)
I am attending the session Myths, Realities and Future of AI + Automation in the Law, live at ILTACon 2017. The International Legal Technology Association annual conference is the preeminent global legal…
The Growing Importance of Tech-Enabled Law Practice
We can now make a very strong case for the growing importance of tech-enabled law practice. Of course, all law firms and law departments have technology. But mere infrastructure no…
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