Changing Knowledge Management (KM) Priorities
How and why are KM priorities changing? That was the topic of an ILTA virtual roundtable I moderated on July 6, 2017. I report here on the survey administered in…
The Last Mile of Contracts: Why Human Teams Are Still Essential
You might think that everything about contracts has been automated. But in fact, that’s not true. Here’s a quick rundown on technology for contracts and why we still need humans…
Law Firm Profitability + Service Delivery: What the Altman Weil Survey Says
Law firm management needs to think more about their clients. Right now, they expend more energy on boosting profitability with inward measures than they do on client service. That cannot…
A New Era of Managing and Finding Experience in Large Law Firms
Experience management – the ability to find relevant matters and lawyers with specific experience – has emerged as core in large law firms for both knowledge management and marketing. I…
Quoth the RAVN: How iManage’s RAVN Acquisition Will Affect the Legal Market
[My business partner Joshua Fireman of Fireman & Company co-authored this blog post. It was first published by the International Association of Legal Technology (ILTA) at the ILTA KM blog…
Practice Centric Document Management (#ndElevate Live)
How can document management support lawyers working in a practice centric manner? That is the question my business partner Joshua Fireman of Fireman & Company will answer. This is a…
Large Law Firms Must Improve Client Service Delivery
In the current ultra competitive market for legal services, large law firms must improve client service delivery. I explain why in this post: the stratification of large law firms, the…
Legal Artificial Intelligence (Live #Lexpo17)
This is a live blog post of Legal Artificial Intelligence. The panelists: Katie Atkinson, Katie Atkinson is Professor of Computer Science and Head of the Department of Computer Science at the University…
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