Since not everyone reads Twitter, I reproduce here a selection of my recent Tweets.
@ChristianUncut How much longer before fax dropped from contact info? First dodo, then telex, fax soon? US doctors still rely on it – ugh 10:54 AM Sep 4th
RT @EDDUpdate The Death of Imaging || Forensic disk imaging cannot keep up with ever bigger hard drives
Eight basic categories of legal department software. Blog post by @ReesMorrison at Succinct overview / categories.
Bloomberg on lawyer social nets If GC serious about change, why aren’t more rushing to Legal Onramp or other nets? 3:36 PM Sep 9th
@tcorcoran outsourcing more than moving bodies: improve process, deploy tech, use metrics, set SLA, match supply + demand, deeper expertise1:46 PM Sep 10th
RT @OneSpot_Law Eversheds Mulls.. Layoffs, Plans to Outsource Secretarial Work to save $3.3M || Outsourcing outed? 5:19 PM Sep 10th
‘Fresh US backing for legal outsourcing’ IP Review Online re Ohio ethics opinion 3:27 PM Sep 11th
‘Chicago law firm Seyfarth Shaw has become a Six Sigma devotee’ Biz Week 6 Sigma Comeback || a law firm; who’d’ve thunk 9:21 PM Sep 12th
@reesmorrison questions ACC value challenge: slants to meet law firms needs more than law departments’
RT @tcorcoran chat with Biglaw partner: “We get the need for change” but STILL unwilling to go 1st – clients must ask || Market share opp?
If you blog: are you getting more e-mail from PR agencies pushing products, books, etc? Volume I get is way up over last 18 months. 12:37 AM Sep 18th
Hildebrandt on BigLaw: ‘Are We On The Verge of Revolutionary Change?’ New LawVision ™ service 4:17 PM Sep 18th
More detail on Rio Tinto legal outsourcing deal and Leah Cooper role in Metro Corp Counsel | LPO going upscale? 1:42 PM Sep 20th
@reesmorrison on Rio Tinto LPO details
– 120 projects to India since May 1; $4 mil saved; avg quality 7-8 of 10 11:34 PM Sep 27th
Do virtual law firms and boutiques threaten BigLaw? Or will their rise provide real choice for GC? Contemplating blog post. 1:29 PM Sep 28th
YouTube for lawyers? Meant for consumers but will corp counsel someday choose outside counsel by video? 10:16 PM Sep 28th
Welcome to the Future: It’s all about Quality by @PaulLippe at AmLaw Daily || Law firms, outcomes, economics 7:35 PM Sep 29th
RT @glambert Reading: “Legal Project Management Goes Viral!” – (maybe not… but it should!) || Here here!
RT @VMaryAbraham New Post: Using Technology to Manage Costs (includes great list of tools) #ilta09 #KM || Go BI and PM!
RT @AmLawDaily Hard Times for Harvard Law Students || legal outsourcing affecting even the Ivies
RT @jordan_law21 Citi GC’s top 2 concerns: managing outside counsel + crafting sensible risk-reward ratio || 30% AFA
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