Last week I attended a KM function. (Doug Cornelius provides additional reports at KM Space.) At the end, we went round the room and large law firm participantss shared their top KM priorities for 2008.
This was, by design, a fast exercise – “state your priority in under 15 seconds.” Below is the list, in random order based on seating. This gathering self-selected for firms committed to KM. For such firms, I think it’s a pretty good picture of current KM priorities:
1. Incorporating e-mail into KM
2. E-mail categorization and auto filing
3. Revise Intranet, e-mail filing, enterprise search
4. SharePoint workflow matter intake
5. Contextual push of info out to lawyers
6. Intranet revamp
7. Finish search engine roll out , document assembly
8. Align competitive intelligence function and KM
9. Automatically extract meta data
10. Wikify the firm
11. SharePoint overhaul
12. Blogs and wikis
13. New document management implementation
14. Matter profiling
15. Finish portal and search
16. Enterprise portal and search
17. 4th generation of business intelligence (BI) and grow BI team
18. Educate execs on KM and KM plans
19. Full time coordinator for KM
20. Enhance globalization of knowledge resources
21. Portal and search and auto categorization
22. Enterprise search
23. Training and outreach
24. Release KM client program
25. Upgrade portal
26. Training and communication
27. Better matter profile and better search
28. SharePoint 2007
29. Reconstruct matter centric DMS
30. Update precedent collection
31. Regain ground lost in a merger by rolling out firm-wide intranet and wiki
32. Complete matter intake automation – unify categorization
33. Improve info architecture
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