Office 2003 – Who Owns the Keys to the Kingdom?
In Office Buzz: Check the E-mail on September 25, 2003, the New York Times reviews Office 2003, the latest Microsoft upgrade to the Office suite. The review is mixed at…
Don’t Forget the Outside World When Thinking about KM
My friend and former colleague, Jean O’Grady, the Director of Information Services at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering has written an article, The Importance of Targeted Information in the LegalTimes. Jean…
Call to Arms for GC: Force Your Outside Lawyers to Avoid the Mistake Doctors Make
In my posting of 7 Aug 2003 (How Would You Rather Fly? How Do You Like Your ICU Stay? Checklists or Not?) I discussed a Wall Street Journal article that…
Law Firms Outsourcing IT and Document Production
In my posting of of 3 Sep 03 Allen & Overy Testing Outsourcing, I conveyed reports that Allen & Overy was pilot testing outsourcing document production to workers in India….
Can a CRM Support Viral Marketing?
I came across a press release for the latest version (5.1) of customer relationship management software InterAction by Interface Software. One feature caught my eye and made me think about…
Unauthorized Practice of Law (“UPL”) Suit and Implications for Online Services reports in Group Alleges Document Prep Service Provides Legal Advice by Nonlawyers (9/24/03) that the Texas “Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee filed suit on Sept. 17 against a California-based…
My Knowledge Management Week
Last Friday (9/19), I attended an all-day meeting of KM professionals from large NYC, Toronto, and West Coast law firms that I co-organized and co-moderated. Separately, last Tuesday (9/16), at…
Legal Tech NYC – What’s New
I spent two days and spoke at Legal Tech NYC September. A couple of my legal technology friends observed that there was nothing new and asked if I agreed or…
How Much Information Technology Support is Enough?
How much IT support should firms provide to users? Many firms answer this question via benchmarking (that is, comparing spending and staffing to comparable firms). Lawyers are demanding “customers.” They…
Scenarios of Future Law Firms Rely Heavily on Technology
This past weekend, I attended the annual meeting of the College of Law Practice Management. The attendees are a mix of lawyers and law firm managers (including chief administrators, marketers,…
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