What if Clients Were to Pay for Knowledge Management?
Many large law firms are trying various approaches to knowledge management (KM). The goal is to capture and re-use know-how. In a meeting of KM professionals earlier this week I…
Expertise Location and Knowledge Management
When knowledge management first emerged as a distinct discipline several years ago, the focus, at least among law firms, was on capturing and re-using documents. Now, at least anecdotally, it…
Consolidation and Change in the Document Management Space
Document management systems (DMS) are an essential part of the infrastructure in most large law firms. A few do not use DMS or have created their own systems, but most…
Knowledge Management and Law Firm Compensation
Law firm knowledge management professionals frequently discuss the impact of partner compensation systems on the interest in and ability of a firm to invest in KM. The general consensus is…
Expertise Location (McKinsey Quarterly Article)
Knowledge management professionals frequently consider the question of how best to identify and locate experts within a large law firm. The current issue of the McKinsey Quarterly has an article…
Getting Closer to Clients – Learning from General Electric (GE)
In Will Jeff Immelt’s New Push Pay Off for GE, Business Week (October 13, 2003) reports on an interesting initiative by General Electric. (A subscription is required to access this…
More Full Text Technology from IBM
In my posting IBM is Developing New Search Technology of 13 Aug 2003 I discussed new full-text software from IBM called Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA). On September 13, 2003,…
The Business Case for and Background on “Offshoring” Professional Work
I have written several posts about the potential of outsourcing legal work overseas (Law Firms Outsourcing IT and Document Production, 27 Sep 03; Power Outages and Outsourcing , 15 Aug…
Value Billing / Alternative Billing and Technology
The current (Fall 2003) issue of Law Firm, Inc. magazine has a very good article about why law firms need to think harder about value billing. In Stop the Clock…
Technology for Law Firm Marketing and Its Implications
Yesterday I heard Swati Agrawal of firmseek and Anne Balduzzi, a legal and technology marketing consultant, present on “Using Technology to Make the Most of Your Marketing Dollars” at a…
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