I started writing up to three “Tweet of the Week” Tweets in November 2013. Below you will find all dozen Tweets of the Week for 2013, in reverse chronological order. I am thinking about making this a regular blog feature.
I welcome feedback (via comments or privately via contact) on whether readers find this useful. If you do, would weekly, every-other week, or monthly be best? Should I consider writing brief commentary (though that may be more of a commitment than I can fulfill).
(Update, 3pm EST: I have included an embedded view of three Tweets at the bottom based on a suggestion on Twitter by R. Amani of @MSULaw. Comments on approach also welcome.)
December 20, 2013
Hey, no one answered my question: should BigLaw move most legal research to specialized research attorneys / librarians?
MRT @Business_of_Law: 21 Expert Predictions For The Legal Industry In 2014 http://bit.ly/18yHxlu
December 13, 2013
Lake Wobegone | @AdamSmithEsq http://bit.ly/J2CFJv || BigLaw managing partners in denial
GC: 5 Ways to Improve 2014 Objectives | CEB Blog http://bit.ly/1f1VLKD || Specifically measurable, limited number is key
Market for large law firm associates peaked 25 years ago. @wihender http://feedly.com/k/1deALPm
December 6, 2013
Recalculate the future of law. Gr8 @insightlabs interview of @computational http://bit.ly/1dKcFRm | BigLaw issues sum-up
“What Kind Of Clients Do You Have In Flyover Country?” @atlblog http://bit.ly/18iIZTz || Why ‘MidLaw’ may beat BigLaw
9th Circuit to Livestream Arguments – Law Blog – WSJ http://on.wsj.com/18BEgSO || glimmers of hope!
November 30, 2013
EDI-Oracle Study: Humans Are Still Essential in #eDiscovery – LTN http://bit.ly/1aFUmbc || Surprising findings
November 15, 2013
Big Law Mergers Fuel Skepticism http://on.wsj.com/HM7jGF || GCs skeptical of efficiencies, still choose lawyers, not firms
Some Questions To Ask Your Managing Partner @atlblog http://bit.ly/1fza8GS || Great questions, a must read
Tweet of the Week: MRT @Business_of_Law: 21 Expert Predictions For The Legal Industry In 2014 http://t.co/fXBq8gtcA1
— ronfriedmann (@ronfriedmann) December 20, 2013
Tweet of the Week: Hey, no one answered my question: should BigLaw move most legal research to specialized research attorneys / librarians?
— ronfriedmann (@ronfriedmann) December 20, 2013
Tweet of the Week: Market for large law firm associates peaked 25 years ago. @wihender http://t.co/5SdwIHxKTc
— ronfriedmann (@ronfriedmann) December 13, 2013
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