Since not everyone reads Twitter, I reproduce here a selection of my recent Tweets

RT @robertsawhney Above the Law blog on the ACC value index for law firms || Any rankings better than none?

‘Glut of Law Firm Office Space Hits 6 Mil Sq Ft’ NLJ || When firms finally encourage working virtually, glut will grow

Hildebrandt blog post on new law firm metrics || imo, best wld be: client success relative to reasonable expectation

LPO market update by Valuenotes || Growth slowed; 12.5k employees in India; $440mil in 2010; scale matters

Just met with 5 large law firms: all talked project management for lawyers + AFA; some best practices. New normal looks different so far.

For firms serious abt project management for lawyers: have person in charge of office moves involved in training

Lawyers who dismiss office move planning as just ‘logistics” are not ready for project management – stick to substance only!

LexisNexis sells HotDocs to Capsoft || LN ‘retired’ CompareRite, now sells HD… what’s next to drop?

Eight more UK top 30 firms size up legal outsourcing moves LegalWeek || LPO tipped?

Lyceum Capital injects