Reminder: If you innovate, earn recognition. 

The College of Law Practice Management (I am a trustee) sponsors the InnovAction Award. InnovAction honors innovation in law practice management. Law firms, law departments, and other legal service providers (but not vendors) can apply. Innovation can range from creative office design, to technology, to a marketing campaign.

If you, your law firm, or someone you know has been doing something extraordinary — something never been done, or been done in quite this way — go to to learn more and to access the simple entry form.

If selected for an award, you’ll join some awesome company — DLA Piper, Mallesons, Holland & Hart and more. While you’re checking out the entry information, click on “Hall of Fame” to read about winning entries and enjoy some helpful Q & A about how these pioneers got it done.

The June 2nd entry deadline for the 2008 InnovAction Awards is fast approaching, but don’t worry — there is still time to submit an entry. Take a moment to review the InnovAction web site and submit an application. For more information:

InnovAction Award