Video is a great way to communicate. That explains why so many people have their eyes glued to the TV. And why mobile phone and PDA makers are rushing video-enabled devices to market? Where are law firms in this action? 

In what appears a first, Canadian law firm Torys has released legal updates as videos for viewing on the web or as a podcast. Torys tunes in to latest pop-tech craze in the Toronto Globe and Mail (5/17/06) reports that Torys appears to be the first firm to offer video updates. Traffic to the web site has been good, with 900 visitors watching or downloading a clip in the first 8 eight days.

Have a look or download at Torys’ video center. I applaud the firm for breaking new ground and expect other firms will follow suit.

I was a bit disappointed that the clips I viewed are just “talking heads.” I’m not a video expert, but there are probably inexpensive ways to make video more engaging. It’s a great start though – let the law firm video wars begin. How long before BigLaw retain the services of experienced producers or directors?