How many large law firms have blogs? I would like to get a sense of how many AmLaw 200 firms have blogs and possibly create a list of those that do. I need your help. 

I have checked, Internet Marketing Attorney (which reviews 250 law firm web sites) and other sources. I could not find list of large law firms that have blogs. If you know of a list or even a single large firm with a blog, please contact me. Depending on what I learn, I may create a companion list to my online legal services one. (NOTE: I am primarily interested in blogs branded with a firm’s identity, less so in ones by large firm lawyers that link to the firm but are not firm-branded.)

The only large firm blog I have identified is Electronic Discovery Law, which is published by Preston Gates Ellis LLP. Interestingly, I can only find one reference to the blog on the firm’s web site, on a practice group page. A search for the word blog on the firm’s web site yields no hits (surprising since I did find the word).

I ask because it seems that large firms are missing a great opportunity for marketing and distribution. Ten years ago, I suggested to a large firm that it consider e-mail alerts to clients. I reasoned that the firm was generating lots of interesting content and already sending paper updates. Why not just send occasional e-mail updates? A look of horror crossed several faces: the liability, the work to do this, clients would view it as a bother, it would not look professional, etc.

Today, many firms do send e-mail updates to clients. It seems to me the time has come to make these available as blogs with an RSS feed. This is clearly not about technology – it is about serving clients. Of course, this means lawyers have to grapple with a new concept, which, as I’ve previously discussed, is often a challenge and, if technology is involved, is often perceived as a tech issue rather than business decision.