I have previously written about the relative scarcity of large law firms blog. This week, another large law firm has launched a blog.
The Antitrust Review Blog by Sheppard Mullin covers, as the name suggests, antitrust developments. The blog is attractively designed and the entries appear quite substantive. In addition to topical articles, separate links on the left lead to updates by agency.
As I have indicated previously, blogging by law firms seems a no-brainer to me. Firms already generate content and send it to clients. Blogging that content makes it more accessible and provides a way to monitor hits. Until not that long ago, lawyers scoffed at the idea of a firm brochure. Now, it is commonplace. In my view, the question about blogs and large law firms is not if, but when.
Blog Categories
- Alternative Legal Provider (44)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) (57)
- Bar Regulation (13)
- Best Practices (39)
- Big Data and Data Science (14)
- Blockchain (10)
- Bloomberg Biz of Law Summit – Live (6)
- Business Intelligence (21)
- Contract Management (21)
- Cool Legal Conferences (13)
- COVID-19 (11)
- Design (5)
- Do Less Law (40)
- eDiscovery and Litigation Support (165)
- Experience Management (12)
- Extranets (11)
- General (194)
- Innovation and Change Management (188)
- Interesting Technology (105)
- Knowledge Management (229)
- Law Department Management (20)
- Law Departments / Client Service (120)
- Law Factory v. Bet the Farm (30)
- Law Firm Service Delivery (128)
- Law Firm Staffing (27)
- Law Libraries (6)
- Legal market survey featured (6)
- Legal Process Improvement (27)
- Legal Project Management (26)
- Legal Secretaries – Their Future (17)
- Legal Tech Start-Ups (18)
- Litigation Finance (5)
- Low Cost Law Firm Centers (22)
- Management and Technology (179)
- Notices re this Blog (10)
- Online Legal Services (64)
- Outsourcing (141)
- Personal Productivity (40)
- Roundup (58)
- Structure of Legal Business (2)
- Supplier News (13)
- Visual Intelligence (14)