Good leaders communicate effectively and frequently. How many large law firm managing partners or general counsels use blogs to communicate internally? 

I’ve frequently written about the marketing benefits of large law firms blogging. The Wall Street Journal reports today, in Design for Learning: RISD Gets a New Type of President, that the new president of the Rhode Island School of Design “spends at least an hour a day blogging; Mr. Maeda’s entries are ‘unmediated’ — another way of saying unedited — ‘so you get the real me, typos, spelling mistakes, you name it.’ ‘He’s the text-message president,’ says a colleague.”

Managing partners and GCs should consider internal blogging to lead and communicate.

Initially I thought a university story won’t carry weight with lawyers. Then I realized that universities are more like law organizations than are most businesses. Universities are loose organizations with a bunch of independent-minded faculty and students who resist central control. Sound familiar?