ILTA Recap – Spot Video Interviews and Blog Posts
Last week I attended ILTACon, the 2016 conference of the International Legal Technology Association. Here is a recap of my activities for the week. The first section has links to the three…
Bots, Big Data, Blockchain, and AI – Disruption or Incremental Change?
The legal media has lately had a mania for tech headlines. Many commentators claim that tech, especially artificial intelligence (AI), will do something to Big Law. I disagree. Tech more likely will do something…
Machine Learning (AI) to Answer to Legal Questions: Blue J Legal
With artificial intelligence headlines appearing daily, making sense of it is hard. I doubt it will disrupt Big Law but believe it can create significant practice efficiencies. To get beyond the hype,…
Should We Settle for Incremental Change in Big Law?
Mainstream media regularly reports on big changes in many markets. Two juxtaposed articles on the front page (below) of the Business & Tech section of the Wall Street Journal (21 April 2016) got me thinking about…
Automating Legal Advice: AI and Expert Systems
In 2015, we regularly read about automating legal advice with artificial intelligence (AI), especially with IBM Watson. In my view, the AI smoke – at least as described in many reports –…
Top Three Legal Tech Trends in 2015
Earlier this year, Aderant, via its Think Tank, asked several legal market experts “What are the top legal technology trends so far in 2015?”. Aderant published its synthesis of the…
IBM Watson for Contract Analytics at Legal OnRamp
In a prior post on IBM Watson, I noted that Legal OnRamp uses Watson “to process and understand high volumes of contracts.” I describe here more about this and provide context about Watson and contract…
Legal IBM Watson: Business Model and Reasoning Modes
In my prior post, IBM Watson: The Legal Market at World of Watson Conference, I reported on my IBM’s World of Watson conference. Here, I offer thoughts about Watson and the business model…
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