You thought the tech bubble burst a few years ago. Well, some of us who live in a different tech bubble have just experienced a pin prick! 

Last week Cisco GC Marc Chandler gave a speech predicting, in effect, the demise of BigLaw, largely at the hand of technology. Several bloggers have already commented: Carolyn Elefant in He’s Talking ‘Bout a Revolution, the Wired GC in Cisco GC Talks Real Legal Tech, Adam Smith, Esq. in “New Delivery Mechanisms That Will Be Highly Disruptive”–Clayton Christiansen Is Talking To You.

Chandler seemed to be opening the door to legal tech nirvana. Life inside the bubble (to mix my metaphors) is good. I thought about all the great things I could say. Instead, I invited well-known law firm consultant Peter Zeughauser to comment. At my request, he posted on the just launched College of Law Practice Management blog.

The post of his title, Boring GCs, says a lot. I highly recommend you read his entire short but poignant post concerning Chandler’s speech. My bubble is much smaller today but not quite burst.